Posted by Azfar Bilal Saleem on 28th May 2021
The end of The Star Wars month, calls for films' space timeline in writing!
This specific month of the cinematic behemoth “Star Wars”, certainly demands a detailed celebration of the iconic film franchise! We’d thought we’d give you the low-down on how this graphic spectacle took over the hearts, minds and feelings of the entire world. Or even, a significant number of people in each country of the whole planet!
Created by director, screenwriter, producer, George Lucas first released Star Wars in 1977. It became one of the most massively successful spectacles of motion picture history. Starting off with the title of “A New Hope”, Star Wars chronicled the story of Luke Skywalker and the adventures of The Rebels to defeat The Empire which was chiefly commanded by The Terrifying Sith Lord! Darth Vader!
Following the epic film “A New Hope”, George Lucas asked Stan Lee to create comic books of the installment too. After Stan Lee’s hesitant approval of adapting the franchise in a series of iconic comic books, “Star Wars” additionally became the best-selling wholesome franchise(of the cinema world to the comic book universe) of the entire world.
Starting from 1999, George Lucas begun releasing the prequels of Star Wars. These releases consisted of three exciting films, that told the stories of how Anakin Skywalker turned into the menacing Sith Lord granted the title: Darth Vader.
After selling the original “Star Wars Saga” to Disney, the film franchise has not seen its ultimate conclusion just yet. Announcing ten more Star Wars Series, Disney plans to continue this ultimate saga. For the excitement and thrill of the released parts of Star Wars saga, make sure you get the different types of the awe-inspiring “Star Wars” toys officially available in Pakistan today!
Journey through the saga of Star Wars yourself, by having a look at the different mega Star Warsmemorabilia of different brands at IKnowMyToys!